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GOAL: Empower Elected Women Representatives (EWRs)
to seek and obtain funding for infrastructure and public services that ensures water security during floods.
DALL·E 2024-09-19 01.12.19 - Two Bihari women sitting on a simple mat, being interviewed.
DALL·E 2024-09-16 22.31.28 - A simple illustration of two mature Indian women actively usi
Objective 1: Understand the context and conduct a local needs assessment.
Aubriot (anthropology), Sekhri (economics)
Local knowledge
with EWRs
Tools & Solutions
Objective 2: Quantify flood risks, and design infrastructure for flood resilience.
Quinn, Sinha, Lakshmi (hydrology and engineering)
Objective 4: Disseminate training tools to EWRs through randomized control trial (RCT).
Sekhri (economics)
Objective 3: Develop training tools for EWRs to participate in public councils and obtain funding.
Dave (sound justice)
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